When one of your loved ones passes away, Don’t throw out those family documents.
Get in touch with the Centro Caboto to preserve your history at: executivedirector@centrocaboto.com or call (204) 487-4597.
The Manitoba Italian Canadian Archival Committee (MICA Inc.) takes great pleasure in sharing with the community an update of its latest activities and accomplishments.
Our Oral History:
Since beginning its work in May 2018 the Archival Committee has interviewed and videotaped 63 immigrant elders in the Italian Canadian community of Manitoba.
The oral stories these individuals have provided in Italian, dialect or English, have enriched the history of our community. Stories of childhood memories in Italy, the courage and sacrifices during and after the war, the reasons for leaving their homeland, the adventures of crossing the Atlantic, the arrival and its first hardships, the accomplishments and personal and career successes, all these stories and more help reveal the vibrancy of a people whose deepest wish was to improve themselves and the lives of those they loved.
The process to edit and make these videos ready for the Manitoba Archives has begun with the hiring of a video editor and graphic artist.
Our Textual History:
The second component of the work undertaken by the Manitoba Italian Canadian Archival Committee is to amass and catalogue the textual material (pictures, posters, booklets, newsletters, etc.) that will reveal the contributions and accomplishments of the various clubs/associations /and foundations established over the years. This material is then made archival-ready by a professional archivist before it is entrusted to the Manitoba Archives for permanent preservation.
We are pleased to announce that several boxes of club material have already been submitted and are now housed in the Manitoba Archives.
The Manitoba Italian Canadian Archival Committee encourages, individuals, clubs and associations who have precious material (pictures, event posters, Folklorama programs, event tickets and other textual memorabilia) to inform the Archival Committee so that this material may be preserved securely in the Manitoba Archives in order to inform the world of the extensive accomplishments and contributions of the Italian Canadians of Manitoba.
On behalf of the four enthusiastic volunteer women who constitute the Manitoba Italian Canadian Archival Committee, I would like to thank the Italian Canadian League of Manitoba for allowing us to videotape and interview the members of our community on the Centro Caboto premises.
Caterina (Bueti) Sotiriadis, president, Manitoba Italian Canadian Archival Committee
1055 Wilkes Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3P 2L7
Office: 204-487-4597 ext. 1
Banquets: 204-488-2055 ext. 3
Email catering@cabotocentre.com