Centro Caboto will have a Men's leagues in 2025. The Over 35 Outdoor Leagues will be at the Centro. Calcetto, 5vs5 soccer, has long been a summer staple at the Caboto. Centro Caboto features two Calcetto fields, ample parking and excellent facilities.
We have a terrific team of organizers. Come for a Team captains meeting in March and pick up your registration, team roster player waiver forms from the office between 8:30 am and 5 pm. Email executivedirector@cabotocentre.com to confirm.
The 2024 A Side Champions was Venezia.
2024 B side Champions was Maples FC
2025 Calcetto Season
After the game, come inside and join your team in our fully-licensed Café 13 for exceptional food by Sorrento’s and cold drinks including Imported Beer (Peroni, Corona, Stella Artois), Draft Beer, and Domestic Brands, wines and spirits .
For information on standings and schedules, go to : http:// www.league lineup.com/calcetto
2025 Mens Over-35 Division
For more information call the Caboto Centre at
204-487-4597 ext. 1.
Become a sponsor
We would like to invite you to become a part of our Calcetto Program by becoming a sponsor.
If you have any questions about our sponsorship package, please call 204-487-4597 ext. 1.
1055 Wilkes Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3P 2L7
Office: 204-487-4597 ext. 1
Banquets: 204-488-2055 ext. 3
Email catering@cabotocentre.com